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Here’s What Kirk Franklin’s Testimony Taught Me About My Faith

We know Kirk Franklin is a hit maker. When you rack up hit after hit like “Melodies from Heaven,” “Revolution,” “Stomp,” “Smile,” and now “Wanna Be Happy”…it’s an indisputable fact. But over the past couple of months, I’ve also come to the realization that Kirk Franklin has a real and personal relationship with Jesus.

I should have known this, after years of listening to his music. (But there is so much drama in the gospel music industry, I typically skip over whatever an artist is saying and just focus on what they are singing.)

But, lately, I’ve stopped to listen.

Kirk Franklin’s been on everything from NPR to The Breakfast Club. And he’s had some thought-provoking things to say about:

One of my 2016 goals is to share my faith weekly, and his message has convicted me on a how I walk out my faith. Here’s what I’ve learned from listening to him over the past couple of months:

Kill the Church Noise

In an interview with National Public Radio, Kirk explained that the reason the church is losing its people and its power is that we are failing to communicate love. He said that:

‘‘Letting our lights shine speaks louder than picket signs and complaining.”

I agree.

But I grew up with the understanding that there was a long list of things that you could do to ensure a one-way ticket to fire and brimstone. And it sort of shaped my view of how I saw God.

The thing is, when we reduce religion to right-dressing, right-thinking, and right-acting—we miss out on love and grace.

So in 2016, I plan to focus more on sharing the love, peace, and joy of God and less on the judgment.  

We Cannot Skip Experiences

I’d prefer to skip the valleys and forever live on the mountaintop.

Case in point. If I had my way, I’d probably erase the time period between age 19 and 22. Because of poor choices in men, that four-year span was filled with far too many experiences that could’ve ended badly.

But God…

In a video, Kirk Franklin explains to his team that you cannot get to results without experiences.

“Butter, eggs, and flour are all nasty on their own, but if you put them together you have cake…the Master Chef knows how to mix just the right amount of tears, persecution, disappointment, and make something of it. But when we reject the ingredients, we have no substance.”

So while I’d rather skip the ingredients and get to the cake, God can use all the mess to make a message.

Be Real: Experiences Breed Results  

On The Breakfast Club, Kirk Franklin shared the story of how he was abandoned by his parents, molested, had a child when he was seventeen, and dropped out of high school.

All those struggles were the catalyst for him writing music. As he processed abandonment and rejection, it began to pour out in his songs and people liked the music.

Seeing Kirk Franklin be so transparent with his struggles and faith reminded me that I need to do the same because none of us gets to pass through life unscathed.  

Sharing our stories is what connects us to each other and showcases the power of our faith. 

BMWK: What faith goals have you set for 2016?

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