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How My Wife Transformed Me

Because of my wife, I am transformed. But only recently, have I come to realize this and am now able to understand and navigate the following:

Growth From Strife

Every argument, disagreement, mistake and misstep is and should be used as an opportunity for growth. They represent challenges to apologize and move on and to act differently and to hopefully be better the next time a similar situation arises….. Look at it from the right perspective and don’t point fingers.

Reassuring The One You Love

When your wife is feeling anxious, depressed, crazy…whatever, instead of trying to figure her out, try your best to reassure her.

Can You Love Without Knowing

Do you truly know your wife?

Team Spirit
And last, but definitely not least, you and your wife are together to complement one another, not to compete. The quest to be right or point out wrongs works against the team building. In sports we all shake our heads when teammates begin arguing with each other in the middle of a game after a botched play. We know that it is inevitable that they will lose and quite possibly never be the same again. If it’s so important that this not happen with your favorite team, shouldn’t the same be true of your marriage? Get in a huddle with your wife and leave it with a plan to succeed. Together.

BMWK – in every relationship there should be growth.  Not only personal growth, but also growth towards understanding and loving each other better….Growth towards a better relationship.  Have you experienced growth in your own relationship? How has your spouse transformed you?  

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