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“Hurry Up, Woman!” 5 Things I’ve Tried to Keep My Wife from Being Late

Is it just me, or is every woman born with the late gene? It can be a concert, dinner reservation, flight or cocktail party, but no matter what it is, either we are  going to be late or rushing to be on time.

I don’t know what it is or why it is. Logically, you would think that the only consistent thing is TIME, but my wife still seems to have no concept of it. I try my best to figure out how to make sure we are on time to stuff, but my strategies just don’t seem to be working. I’m gonna tell y’all what I tried, and if you have an always-late spouse, perhaps they can work for you (or if you can think of anything I haven’t tried, I’m all ears).

1. Lying about the time
I know we have all probably tried this route, where if the event is at 8:00pm, we tell her it’s at 7:30 p.m., hoping the extra 30 minutes would mean something.

WELP, let’s just say that hasn’t worked very well because usually she can see right through it. Because, she usually knows our schedule better than me, she already has it mapped out in her mind. Even if she doesn’t know, she will still be rushing at the last minute talking about “I’ll just do my makeup in the car.” Needless to say, I haven’t had a lot of success with this tactic.

2. Getting dressed extra early
Sometimes, I’ll do my best to get dressed about an hour before time, so that she sees the urgency in my actions, hoping that will speed her up. I’ll be sitting downstairs waiting with the “you need to hurry up” face… and let’s just say she totally ignores it. By the time she’s changed into three outfits and has seen me roll my eyes at her four times, she still moves at her own pace.

3. Ironing her clothes for her
One day, I had the idea of trying to get more bees with honey, so I thought if I ironed her clothes for her, then I could cut out time from her getting ready process.  Well, not only does she always decide to get the most difficult outfits to iron, but she figures now she has extra time and tries to fit more stuff in.  Now, not only am I frustrated with ironing, but it still doesn’t impact the time. Can you say major fail?

4. Explaining to her the play-by-play
Sometimes, I apply the coaching technique and try to explain to her the play-by-play. I try to draw out the roadmap of time, letting her know to anticipate the traffic, time to park, time to walk to the destination, time to pick up the tickets, etc., but all she can seem to think of is how long the GPS says it will take. The other time constraints seem to mean nothing.

5. Getting an attitude
I can’t lie; sometimes, I just get frustrated and start fussing a little and getting passive aggressive. I express my unhappiness with her being able to be on time, and she might even apologize. BUT, it doesn’t change the fact that we are either late or rushing—neither one is okay with me.

Okay, okay, I know you may think I’m going a little overboard or that it’s not that serious. But it is that serious to me. I enjoy things a lot more when I’m not feeling like I’m in a rush, and I also hate being the late one to walk in. Although, my wife always looks stunning when we step out, it still gets on my nerves. With that said, if you have any other ideas on how I can get my wife to be on time, then let me know…please!

BMWK, wives let me know what you think I should do to help my wife be on time? Fellas, can you relate? What have you tried? Was it a success or fail?

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