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Instead of Making New Resolutions for 2012, How About Finishing What You Started

On January 1, 2012, we went to church expecting to hear the pastor provide the new direction for the church i.e. “this year will be the year of _________.” However to our surprise, the pastor did not deliver the message we expected. The pastor said we are not setting a new direction this year. Instead, we are going to re-new our covenant with God. We are constantly making promises that we do not meet, we continue to spend money that we don’t have, we continue to fornicate, we continue to have negative attitudes and foul mouths and the list goes on. We are not exactly being an example of God’s image in our behaviors and attitudes in the Christian community. So this year we are not moving on, we prayed and came into an agreement as a congregation to re-new our covenant with God…to finish what we started.

As I sat there, I thought that this could also apply to our marriages. When we got married, we entered into a covenant with our spouse and God. If you used the traditional wedding vows in your wedding, then I am sure that you took an oath before God, your family and friends to love, honor, respect, and cherish each other through good times and the bad times, for richer, for poorer, and in sickness and in health. So if you are not exactly being loving and respectful to each other, and if you are turning on each other with every bump in the road, now is as good a time as any to re-new your covenant. Here are some ways this can be accomplished in 2012:

BMWK Family ““ we did not make new resolutions when we came to our marriage this year. Every day we continue to do everything in our power to honor the promises that we made to each other on our wedding day.

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