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Is Your Spouse Really #1?

Are you in one of those marriages where you find yourself struggling to balance your time between spouse, family and career? It’s not always easy to manage the many roles we play. Every role requires 100% of us which means one aspect of our lives will suffer. Somehow it usually ends up being our spouse who gets the smallest percentage of our time and attention.

Those who have been successful in love usually state that making their spouse a priority is the blueprint for their marriage victory. But there are many of us who still question how this is realistically achieved. Feeling overwhelmed by all life throws at us leaves us with very little left over for anything or anyone else. Parents of toddlers, multiples and those who run their own businesses know for sure how difficult it is to juggle and muster up enough energy to take care of the spouse’s needs. Being intimate, having a date night and sometimes even holding a detailed conversation with our partners are usually the last things on our minds. Which is all very unfortunate for our spouses.

Making sacrifices for our spouse creates a very healthy marriage. Once both partners get a hold of this concept and make their spouse a priority the relationship will transform immediately. I know it is easier said than done, so here’s how to begin.

Delegate Responsibilities:

Delegating responsibilities to children and even our spouse frees up our plate for more play time with our boo. If you are a business owner hiring an intern will not only provide them with experience but also give you some extra help with handling the small tasks that usually take up the most time.

Leave something undone sometimes:

This may sound a little irresponsible but sometimes not everything on that to do list will get done that day and that’s okay. We don’t need to wear that “S” on our chest to prove anything to anyone else. We must be okay with giving ourselves permission to be spontaneous and enjoy our lives as well as our mates.

Add your spouse to your to do list:

If you must, pencil in your partner as an appointment not to be missed.

Put time aside:

Save a little time at the end of each day to check in, unwind and simply enjoy one another. This can be as much as an hour or as little as 15 minutes, as long as it gets done. Making it a nightly ritual will ensure your spouse never feels neglected.

If your spouse is craving your attention, don’t leave them suffering in that space. Our marriage should be our most prized relationship. It is the spark for all of the other roles we play. When that one is strong, everything else comes together easily.

BMWK, how do you make your spouse #1?

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