by Aja Dorsey Jackson
I had a few reservations about bringing this up given the fact that the topic is not quite family friendly. Yet although it’s an issue that publicly is rarely discussed or tiptoed around like a dirty little secret, in every online community that I am a part of, whether it be a mommy’s discussion board or a fitness community, inevitably the conversation comes up: “My husband is addicted to porn”. The frequency with which this becomes the topic of conversation lets me know that the “dirty little secret” is an issue in more than just a few households.
I can be fairly opinionated and firm in my beliefs, but this is an issue that even for me has a lot of gray area. First, I think that saying that anyone who watches porn is bound to become an addict to me is like saying anyone that drinks a beer sometimes is bound to become an alcoholic. There is a line between use and addiction. Yet with the 24-hour-a-day availability of just about anything sexual online, how easy is it to cross that line from one side to the other?
Times have changed. Gone are the days when a man may be hiding a dirty magazine or a video under the bed. These days, you don’t have to venture from your house to have hundreds of thousands of sexual situations literally right at your fingertips. If you don’t think that things that are readily available online can become easily addictive, ask yourself, how many times have you checked your facebook account today?
Do I disagree with one or both spouses watching pornography if that’s what they desire to do? Absolutely not. I think if you are both porn enthusiasts, or if you have both said “no” to pornography in your home, or if it really doesn’t bother you, then I don’t think that you have a problem. But when a couple can’t come to an agreement on what is appropriate and where the lines are drawn, problems will most likely arise.
And finally where is the line drawn? My husband and I are both in our late twenties, right at the age when it seems that friends are getting married left and right, and with so many marriages comes the inevitable barrage of bachelor and bachelorette parties. I can’t help but think of how a few too many drinks can quickly make the line between looking and lap dance and lap dance and more just a little bit blurry. The other day, a friend asked me about an article she read with women who didn’t object to their husbands receiving “happy endings” massages, because they were offered as a part of the service. Totally inappropriate in my book, but when you are incorporating outsiders into your marriage sexually, whether its porn, strippers, or even erotic masseurs, at what point do you break out the stop sign?
I wish that I believed that the issue was as simple as “look but don’t touch”. But as someone who has worked in the marketing industry for several years now, I also know that it’s not quite that simple. People pay millions of dollars just to put their logo in front of your face because they know that those visuals inspire thought and thought at some point leads to action. They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. With everything we allow to come through those eyes these days, I can’t help but think that our souls may be getting a little more than they can handle.
Aja Dorsey Jackson is a freelance writer and marketing consultant in Baltimore, Maryland. She is author of the blog Visit her at
Ronnie says
Aja ..this must be a really touchy subject!! My personal perpestive is that I would not like it if my husband viewed porn on the internet…so it would not work for my marriage.
Back in day when I was dating, I had a very bad experience with guy that looked at this stuff on the internet. He actually came to my home and looked at some sites from my personal computer. I was so angry and he lied and said that he was googling one thing and that the porn popped up. But that never happened to me. I asked him not to do that from my computer ever again.
Plus I agree with you that the eyes are a window to the soul!!!
Da Minister says
I’m going to comment hopefully to glorify God. We can’t not make it known enough how bad “today” is from “yesterday” or even think about how worst “tomorrow” can become. But the thing about “yesterday” was the establishment of strong family values which were inherited by the children. Our “today” family has lost values and strength and turn to whatever that is appealing. I’m not thirty yet but I remember when the neighborhood would ride bikes to the park for a day of outside recreation. The problem is not pornography that’s the results. The problems is an idle mind which becomes the “devil’s workshops”. Our generation especially in the south couldn’t wait to come from school to go outside and play with our friends. Some parents even allowed homework to be completed later so children could go out and play, discover, explore, & adventure into life. Playboy magazines were seen either in an alley in the trash or behind the counter at the local corner store. Until we realize that we have become so idle and doing extracurricular things we since “yesterday” we will always have bad “today’s” and worst “tomorrow’s”. This is my heart upon the letter…