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Looking Back, 5 Investments I’m Glad We Made for Our Wedding Day

While I’m sad that summer is coming to a close, I’m always excited about the month of September. In addition to celebrating our anniversary, we also celebrate birthdays for two out of our three children. So there’s a lot of extra love during the month of September in our household. Now that the kids are getting a little older, they have started asking questions about when things happened, and where they were when they don’t see themselves in pictures; to which we answer, “that was before mommy and daddy got married”. So as you know with toddlers, one question leads to at least twenty more.

A recent conversation with my son, made me realize all of the things I am still grateful that we had when we got married 8 years ago. Outside of God, family and friends,below are a few things that I still treasure about our wedding day eight years later:

What is your favorite memory or treasure from your wedding day when you look back? If you’re not married yet, what are you looking forward to experiencing?  What are your wedding must-haves?

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