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Meet Riri Williams, Marvel’s Latest Superhero; Read Her Background Inside

It’s always great to see us represented in positive ways in the media. And what’s more encouraging than a black superhero…And Marvel gives us just that.

NBC BLCK has the story:

The new Iron Man is a black woman and she will descend upon the Marvel Universe this fall.

Riri Williams, a 15-year-old black girl, with a fierce ‘fro, will assume The Golden Avenger mantle from Tony Stark as a result of the events that transpired in Marvel’s “Civil War II.”

Riri Williams is a child prodigy who attends MIT, and reverse engineers Iron Man armor from the confines of her dorm. Tony Stark becomes aware of Riri after she takes this armor for a test drive and he seeks her out immediately.

“Iron Man” writer and creator Brian Michael Bendis received inspiration for Riri Williams while working on a Chicago TV show. He was moved by redemption stories of youth overcoming their environment to succeed at the highest level.

Read the rest over at NBC BLCK

BMWK, are you happy with the addition to the Marvel Universe? What other black character would you like to see?

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