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Men, Just As Much As Women, Regret Not Having Kids

Think that men aren’t bothered as much by not having children? Think again. A recent study suggests that men are just as likely as women to regret not having kids and may even be affected more.

In a survey of 27 men and 81 women without children conducted by Robin Hadley of Keele University, it was found that half of the men admitted feeling isolation from not having children compared to the 27-percent of women. In a similar light, over half of the men reported feeling jealous of people with kids while just under half of the women felt the same. Even though Hadley’s sample is not representative, it does counter common beliefs.

“This challenges the common idea that women are much more likely to want to have children than men, and that they consistently experience a range of negative emotions more deeply than men if they don’t have children.”

Read more on the study on the NY Daily News.

BWMK–As a man with or without kids, can you relate to this study? Ladies, what are your thoughts on these findings?

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