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Men That Do More Housework…Enjoy More Intimate Time with their Wife?

So last week I saw a segment on the Today show that stated that men spend more time doing housework that women do””by about 8 seconds. That’s right, 8. Unfortunately I could not find the actual video from the show, but trust me ladies, it exists. I did find another blog that reported the same results based on the Today show segment, but all the links to the video were “broken.” So now I feel like a kid explaining how the dog ate the homework.

However, while trying to find the proof of what many BMWK men already know about the amount of work we do around the house, I did come across another interesting post related to men and housework. According to a 2008 report by the Council of Contemporary Families there has been significant strides made in the amount of time that men contribute to “housework.” While many related reports and blogs correctly explain that some of the imbalance in the reported rates of housework that men and women do in the home relates to men still – although only narrowly, being the breadwinners. However the Council’s report showed that men are doing two times the amount of work around the house that they did in the 1960’s and three times as much when it comes to child care.

That’s all great but perhaps the most significant finding is that there appears to be a direct link between the amount of work a man does around the house and the amount of sex they have with their wife. What the report found was that women begin to feel more appreciated when the balance of cleaning toilets, unloading the dishwasher and spending time with the kids becomes more balanced.

The biggest factor attributed to this shift seems to be the amount of hours that the wife works. As more women have taken to the corporate ranks a necessary shift in household responsibilities has occurred to more of a hands-on, balanced approach between spouses.

But wait, hold on, if you work outside of the home and I work outside of the home, then how is all this work inside the home going to get done? Here are a few suggestions for finding balance in the housework and maybe later on in the bedroom:

I joke about the possible physical bedroom benefits of doing housework, but really it is about sharing the load and making each other feel appreciated. And feeling appreciated opens the mind to intimacy. It is hard to be intimate when there is angst about feeling like a maid or someone’s momma.

If this post is not the circle of life personified I don’t know what is. I never thought my repertoire of player moves would include cleaning a toilet or mopping the floor. But like Dr. Gary Chapman says if your spouse wants the towels folded in thirds don’t argue about it just do it. And to that I add – and enjoy the time together later.

So BMWK who is doing the work in your house? And do you think that a more balanced hands on approach makes a difference in the overall quality of a relationship and ultimately in the bedroom?

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