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Mom Gets In Trouble for Letting Two-Year-Old Pee on Sidewalk

Potty training woes are back in the news. After a mom was berated online for the story of her potty training her toddlers in a restaurant, another mom has made  headlines for a potty training lesson gone awry. Philadelphia mom Caroline Robboy was fined $50 and fussed at by  police after her 2-year-old, Nathaniel, relieved himself on the sidewalk.

The ticket for public urination came after Nathaniel and mom were told they could not use the restroom in a store they were shopping in with  Nathaniel’s two siblings and grandparents on his father’s side. After they  left the store, the toddler couldn’t hold it anymore and used the restroom on the sidewalk. Caroline tried to move  her toddler to a more private area, but a cop had already caught the child in the act.

Nathaniel was potty trained, but most parents understand that when a child has to go, they really have to go. Seeing as how he was not allowed to use the restroom in the store, he did the next best thing in his mind: go where he had the opportunity.

BMWK – Do you think the police was too harsh and not understanding enough? Do you think Caroline deserved a $50  ticket?

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