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New BMWK Sponsor: Mosiac Mix – Children and Tween Girl Apparel & Accessories is proud to announce the latest sponsor that has come on board here at the site Mosaic Mix. Our sponsor contributions make it possible for us to provide you with the best daily content that we can provide and gets us closer to one day making our full time passion our full time career.

Mosaic Mix was created by a husband and wife team that sells apparel and accessories geared towards children and tween girls. The goal of Mosaic Mix is to install in girls at a young age the beauty of diversity, and hopefully, to raise their self esteem at the same time.

Mosaic Mix President, Morinee Terry says young girls can’t avoid labels that others put on them but it doesn’t mean they have to be the label. “I firmly believe if you plan a positive seed in a child’s life, and nurture it along the way, she will grow up with confidence.”

The ethnically mixed characters from Mosaic Mix can be found on clothing, backpacks, hair accessories and other items on their website Please take the time to check them out and feel free to get a start on your holiday shopping while you’re there 🙂

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