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Oprah & Her All Stars Tell Atlanta How to Live Their Best Life

Credit: Ronnie Tyler - Tyler New Media

Thanks to our friends over at, I had the pleasure of attending O You! in Atlanta this past weekend. O You! is a conference where the pages of O magazine are brought to life.   The event, hosted by Gayle King, is like a cornucopia of Oprah’s experts coming together to provide advice on how to live your best life. The topics ranged from how to live a healthier life (with Dr. Oz) to how to take control of your finances (Suze Orman).


The resonating theme of the day was finding your passion. Martha Beck, O magazine’s life coach, says the way to find your passion is to merge things that you really enjoy with helping people. When you live your life in service to others, your meaning and purpose will come to the forefront.

However before you can be of service to others, you have to start at home. You have to take care of yourself. And this is why thousands of women converged on the Georgia World Congress Center last weekend to learn how to live their best lives.   Here are a few tidbits from Oprah’s experts:

70% of how you age is based on your lifestyle choices. ~Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz   provided 5 tips on how to change your aging process which involve: 1.knowing your blood pressure numbers, 2. eliminating abuses on our bodies such as smoking, 3. finding a healthy diet that we love (so that we will stick to it), 4. doing vigorous exercise, and 5. learning how to cope with stress (because we all have stress”...but we need to learn how to cope with it.)

You are never going to be powerful until you are in control of your finances. ~ Suze Orman

Suze Orman says you should live below your means but within your needs. Just because you can afford it”...doesn’t mean you have to buy it. If you do not have an 8 month emergency fund or a retirement plan, then you should not be making major purchases right now.

There’s a wave of change all over this planet. Things that we thought were sturdy are failing. ~ Martha Beck

Martha Beck says you have to find within yourself the ability to ride this wave of change which involves relaxing and being at peace with yourself.

The climax of the day was when Oprah delivered quite frankly one of the most inspirational speeches that I have ever heard.   Like millions of women (including my mother) seeing Oprah speak in person was on Krystal Grant’s bucket list. Here is how Krystal describes her experience:

It was amazing; life-changing; spiritual. Finally, after nearly 20 years of waiting I got to see my girl, Oprah, in person. I was so close to her I could see her false eye-lashes. I hung on to every word she spoke. I tried my hardest to fight back my tears for fear of looking like a complete  nut to the people around me.

Oprah told the crowd to “stand in the truth of who you are.” And the way to find that truth is to be still. Take a few minutes each day to be quiet with yourself. And for Oprah her confidence comes from knowing where/Who she comes from:

For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. Acts 17:28

Oprah stands in this truth every day.   And this is why she lives her life in service to others.   And this is why she remains confident regardless of what others say about her!

BMWK family have you had the opportunity to see Oprah in person? If so what did you think? We also have a photo gallery from the event that will be going live soon!

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