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Paddling In Texas School Spurs Policy Changes

Texas’ Springtown Independent School District holds a policy that states “Corporal punishment shall be administered only by an employee who is the same sex as the student.” However, Springtown High School sophomore, Taylor Santos, came home with what appeared to be a “burned and blistered” backside after her male vice principal paddled her.

After being suspected of cheating off of another student, Santos had the option of being suspended or paddled. Her mother, Anna Jorgensen, is aware of the policy and agreed with the paddling until she found out who did the punishing.

“I don’t believe a man intentionally meant to do that to her,” Jorgensen, told WFAA-TV. “But it still happens, because men are too big and strong to be hitting 96-pound girls.”

The school board intends to discuss revisions to the policy on student discipline. In an earlier instance at the same school, Jada Watts was left with similar marks after being paddled by the vice principle. Like Jorgensen, her mother did not realize how severe the punishment would be.

There are currently 19 states that still allow paddling in school. Find out which states and read the complete article on the Today Show website.

BMWK– What are your thoughts on paddling as a punishment in school? Should there be stricter standards on who does the paddling?

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