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Embrace These 6 Traits if You Want to Be the Woman of His Dreams

praying for your marriage, biggest threats to intimacy, emotional affair, woman of his dreams

If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to be the woman of your man’s dreams, you’re not alone. Whether you are married are single, becoming and remaining the woman of his dreams is not only for his good but yours. In truth, the idea of the “woman of his dreams” is not one size fits all. It’s different for every man. But, regardless of what each man considers ideal, there are common threads in a woman’s character that most men find attractive.

Embrace These 6 Traits if You Want to Be the Woman of His Dreams

In this article:

  1. Humility
  2. Pride
  3. Femininity
  4. Strength
  5. Spontaneous
  6. Grounded

Ironically, these common threads are meant for more than meeting your mate. In fact, in order to become the woman of his dreams, you must first commit to becoming the woman God intends for you to be. So, what does it really mean to be the woman of a man’s dreams? To answer that question, let me first borrow a well-known phrase. “Men want a lady in the streets, but a freak in the sheets.” In other words, men love a well-balanced woman, equally capable on both sides.

As such, there are character traits that are equally attractive though they represent opposite sides of a woman’s persona. They are important not just in relationships, but in becoming the best woman you can be.

Trait #1 – Humility

I’m going to cut to the chase on this one because there are so many misconceived notions about this topic in relationships. Simply put, you must learn to check your ego at the door when it comes to love. If not, you won’t be his dream, you will be his nightmare. In every relationship, there’s bound to be conflict. Your man wants to know that he can have a reasonable conversation with you. And, through that conflict, that you have the ability to compromise. If you want to be the woman of his dreams, it’s important to seek where there’s room to cede your ground.

Trait #2 – Pride

Now, on the one hand, you need to embrace humility to be the woman of his dreams. However, it’s also important that you take pride in the things that matter most. Take pride in your relationship with God. Having a deep-rooted love for God helps you to love yourself even more. As you take care of your heart, mind, and spirit, you will find it easy to take pride in the physical side of you.

Trait #3 – Femininity

When you know how to flaunt your softer side, your man is sure to get caught up in it. He loves how the wind rustles the hem of your skirt. He’s moved by the softness of your hands and fuchsia painted nails. Knowing your way around the kitchen isn’t a bad deal either because, well, “the way to a man’s heart…” and all that.

If you want to be the woman of his dreams, then understand these ideas aren’t old fashioned, they’re timeless. They not only make you look good, they make you feel good. You’ll find that in the end, they make your man feel good too.

Trait #4 – Strength

Can you handle life? Your man wants to be assured that you can take life by the horns, roll with the punches, or whatever cliche happens to fit the moment. He knows that everything won’t be easy, but he if he figures you for the kind of woman who can get back up after taking a solid hit, he’s all yours.

Trait #5 – Spontaneous

So, the bills are piling up and everybody wants their money. Despite all of this, you still manage to show up at your man’s work for a surprise picnic lunch at the park down the street. Yes, life is crazy right now but you will be his dream girl if you can take him away for a moment and remind him you’re in this thing together. In the same token, if the roles get reversed, you are able to go with the flow and allow him to be your knight for the day.

Trait #6 – Grounded

When your man sees you are able to keep both feet on the ground, he becomes even more certain of his direction. Because the two of you have decided to walk the same path, your commitment to that decision fortifies his every move. He is able to stay the course because you are right beside him. He doesn’t take your future lightly because he recognizes the trust you have placed in his leadership. As a result, he is grateful your feet are firmly planted right next to his.

It’s not easy maintaining a well-balanced perspective in a relationship. That’s one of the reasons men pant over a woman who finds her stride in life and brings it into their union. If you want to be the woman of his dreams, pursue the qualities of the woman God has called you to be. Then you’ll not only be the best you for your spouse, but you’ll also be the best you…for you.

BMWK, are you ready to be the woman of his dreams?

Up Next: 4 Stages of a Relationship Built to Last

Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on November 27, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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