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Sizta 2 Sizta Healthy Hair Company

We would like to introduce you to our newest sponsor Sizta 2 Sizta Healthy Hair Company. Our sponsors help us to provide you with great content and resources on a daily basis so please take a moment to check them out. Below is a message from Sizta 2 Sizta owner Stacey Watson. FYI… the website is great and wait until you see the pictures of what the products did to Stacey’s hair.


Sizta 2 Sizta Healthy Hair Company was started as a personal journey for black hair care answers.   After years of frustration with short damaged hair and being   just plain tired of spending money on weaves and failed attempts with every quick hair scheme, I ventured out on a mission that lead me to develop my own hair care line and technique which allows women of color to grow and maintain long healthy hair.   Please stop by to read more of my story.

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