Wives, G-Rated is good in your marriage, but be sure to try out rated PG, PG13, R and X. Your marriage is between husband and wife and no one else. Do what makes you feel happy and excited. Let your husband experience the best of you in this area. The romantic sexual side of your marriage is so important but can be neglected due to stress and busy schedules. Whether married … [Read more...]
Couples: 4 Super Creative Ways to Make Your Sex Life Sizzle
Successful relationships, like all great accomplishments, require commitment and action. In order for couples to keep love and romance exciting in their relationships they must first establish an environment of love, trust, and respect. If each mate consistently expresses and displays these three things to each other a safe, secure, supportive atmosphere is created. The … [Read more...]
5 Quick Things You Can Do Tonight to Have a Sexier Bedroom
I’m going to let you all in on a little secret. I am generally okay with keeping most of my house looking halfway decent. With working full time, writing part time and three children, it’s not always easy, but at the very least, the parts of my house that most people see are somewhere in the vicinity of “not embarrassing.” My bedroom is where it all tends to go downhill. … [Read more...]