by Eric Payne Near the end of 2010 I launched the guest blogger series, What A Single Woman Wants, as an opportunity to share with us, the married set, what people on the front lines of romance are seeking. I also wanted it to be a reminder to men who might be in a stagnant place in their relationships of what led the women in their lives to them in the first place. The … [Read more...]
3 Things A Woman Never Wants To Hear When She Finds Out She's Pregnant
by Eric Payne For many of us in the married lane, children, whether discussed at length or barely mentioned, are a foregone conclusion. After all we all got here somehow, right? Well for most men, the difference between the thought/strategy of having a child and finding out you actually are going to have one may as well be the distance between Earth and the Sun. God bless … [Read more...]
Why Can’t We Get Along?
by Eric Payne The subject of marriage, relationships or some combination of both has come up quite frequently in recent weeks and months. Both in the national media and in the blogosphere. There is the ever circulating story of the shortage of available "good" black men; there is the No Wedding No Womb movement; there was the recent USA Today Poll stating that nearly 40% of … [Read more...]
Do When I Say Vs. Do What I Say
by Eric Payne Most men in the married lane understand the following statement when it is spoken by their wives: "If you loved me, you'd do what I asked..." What leaves many men bewildered, dazed and often angered is the same statement with the unspoken directive (in parentheses below) attached to it: "If you loved me you'd do what I asked (when I asked)." Through my very … [Read more...]
Wives on Wives: A Wife Is A Woman Who…
by Eric Payne Last week on my blog and on its accompanying Facebook Fan page I asked married, female readers to finish the following sentence: "A wife is a woman who _____________." The response was strong and varied, ranging from the deeply spiritual to the comical and without a doubt some comments leaned toward the negative. The following is a list of ten comments from … [Read more...]
Home Depot Women – Looking To Fix a Man Up
Yesterday while sitting in rainy DC traffic I was listening to the Steve Harvey show and he said something I thought was interesting. They had just read a letter where a woman said she found a dark and bald headed brother on an Internet chat room This guy was her type so they met at a public place. When he arrived he was everything he described except for one thing he forget … [Read more...]
Depression Hits Working Moms
A new study out shows that 91 percent of working mothers have felt the symptoms of depression. Embedded video from <a href="" mce_href="">CNN Video</a> … [Read more...]