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The 4 Dopest Things About Marriage Couples Can Sometimes Forget

Seriously, marriage is dope. I’m channeling my teenage 90s hip-hop-era lingo, but sometimes that’s the word that just sums it up for me. I enjoy being married. Every day isn’t always roses and sunshine, but overall, marriage is fun.

There are life benefits that come with being married. For some couples who’ve been in it for a while, it’s easy to sometimes forget and take things for granted. But in my opinion, here are a few things that make marriage great.

The friendship in marriage is everything

Spending your life with someone you like and can laugh and love with is truly a blessing. Your spouse usually serves as more than just a lover. They are also a confidant and a supporter. My husband is the first person I want to share news with. I can share when I’m feeling petty, insecure or jealous, and he won’t judge me. I trust his opinion and I enjoy his company.

The intimacy in marriage is exciting

Couples who honor their commitment to one another and understand the importance of intimacy, enjoy this part of marriage. It’s exciting having one partner to get as freaky as you want with. Being vulnerable in the bedroom is what intimacy should look like.

Marriage allows you the opportunity to get creative in your bedroom. Having your way with your spouse and vice versa adds a level of energy and excitement.

The freedom to be and do you is refreshing

For the most part, married couples have an awareness and acceptance of one another’s flaws. We don’t usually have to play pretend in this relationship. I can totally be me with my husband, and he is understanding of my areas of weakness.

We know in our marriage that neither of us are perfect. A huge part of marriage is accepting who you married and not necessarily entering the union with the thought of changing the other person.

The opportunity to make your marriage anything you want it to be

In my opinion, the joys of marriage far exceed the challenges. Marriage can be exciting, fun and sexy. Or marriage can be draining, painful and boring. Couples, the choice is yours. You can feed it the things that make it stronger or feed into the attitudes that weaken it. I’m choosing to enjoy all the benefits that come with my marriage.

BMWK, what do you enjoy most about being married?

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