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The President and First Lady are Building a Life Partnership That is Beyond Pomp and Circumstance

By Vicki Carew

There is an inescapable buzz as we inaugurate President Barack Hussein Obama for a second term, as America commemorates Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The image of a confident President taking his oath of office next to his beaming First Lady has been inescapable.

At a time of great cynicism and apathy about successful and fulfilling relationships, I couldn’t help but read so much into that image. The President’s hand rested comfortably atop Bibles securely balanced by his bride. These Bibles stand as symbols of two men who built life-partnerships that laid the foundation for this moment in history. My God!

The look on Mrs. Obama’s face and the President’s relaxed posture speak volumes! Here’s a woman who is confident in displaying her love, adoration, admiration, respect, commitment, pride, and more for her man. President Obama’s stance shows a man who rests comfortably in that space. I love it! A man who is secure enough to create that safe space for his lady, thereby himself, has my vote of confidence to lead.

This image reiterates the importance of connecting with a life-partner who is bold enough to stand proudly in partnership with you to do the work required to build a love that lasts, that says you’re a team and no one or nothing can interrupt the dynamics of your partnership; that says you are as formidable a team in public as you are in private and honors God’s directives to man and wife alike.

Unlike the President who operates on a world stage, many of us work and live in ways that could be easily juxtaposed. We work in situations that run from ideal to downright gruesome. Imagine how the unwavering support of a life-partner could impact a loved one who goes to work every day, knowing they could not fail.

I’m proud of my President for blazing political trails and giving us a reason to be jubilant on this MLK Day. I’m even more proud of this couple for demonstrating we can cast egos aside to embrace and nurture a sacred space where we can create a life that rises beyond pomp and circumstance on any level.

President Obama said:

“You and I, as citizens, have the obligation to shape the debates of our time — not only with the votes we cast, but with the voices we lift in defense of our most ancient values and enduring ideals.”

We would be remiss if we limit these words to just political significance, ignoring a great gift of his presidency: a declaration that in spite of skepticism about love and family, excuses of unending temptations and aggressive suitors lurking in the wings, we should be intentional in choosing partners with whom we could build lasting partnerships steeped in the ancient values and enduring ideals of marriage and family.

If we aspire to building these partnerships, there is nothing our teams couldn’t conquer. Theirs isn’t formidable because they are the First Couple. It is formidable because they honored their decision to work together to maintain a solid relationship that withstands the winds of change.

“Our journey is not complete!” That is beyond building America, dollar by dollar. We must expand that journey to one that builds our world one committed partnership at a time. There are life-partnerships to build and nurture. Get to work!

Vic Carew lives in Atlanta, Georgia, where she serves as Executive Director for a college Foundation.  She is reconnecting with her love for writing, and enjoys the peace and fulfillment it gives her.  Vic has just launched her blog, “Reaching Deep Within“. (  She is active in her community and is a proud mom to a very creative teenager.

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