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These GuessI’mWithHer Memes Take Center Stage Again; So Did the Hillary and the DNC Do Enough?

By now you’ve heard from an impressive cast of people, supporting presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. From First Lady Michelle Obama’s riveting presentation to former Dem opponents Senator Bernie Sanders’s and even President Barack Obama’s well-laid arguments, each made their case to why YOU should say, “I’m with her” on Election Day.

But was it enough to truly win your vote? Or, are you like many disenfranchised voters, who say because they’re #NeverTrump that they’re forced to say

NBC BLCK has more on the dilemma facing many Americans—particularly black women:

This past June I was at a workshop at Yale where a young, white feminist asked me if I was as excited about Hillary Rodham Clinton snagging the Democratic nomination as she was. My answer was a matter of fact, “no, not excited.”

While there is historical significance for women, many black women haven’t been able to tease out what it means for us.

Later, I talked to group of young black women who all are very socially engaged and civically astute. Some were not even old enough to vote when candidate Barack Obama ran the first time, so they don’t carry the same skepticism about candidate Clinton that many more seasoned, black women voters have.

At the time, they said that they were not engaged around Clinton, either. But they all agreed they would vote for her because they worried about what it would mean for them and the issues they care about if her opponent, Donald Trump won. They didn’t view him as a viable option.

This wouldn’t be the first time that candidates at the local, state and national levels slid into office because voters picked the person they saw as the lesser of two evils…

Read the rest over at NBC BLCK.

BMWK, are you now excited about voting in this election? Or are you still dissatisfied with both candidates?

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