Each day for the previous school year, when 16-year-old Rain Price rides the school bus past his house, he never knows what (or who) will be standing in the front yard.
His dad has taken up the habit of standing in the front yard every day, dressed up in a different costume each time. For 170 days, he never repeated a costume. He was been a pirate, a Secret Service agent, Princess Leia – even Ariel from The Little Mermaid. How did this get started?
From Deseret News:
“When he did it the first day, I was in shock,” Rain said. “It’s my first day of my sophomore year.”
The embarrassment was a thrill for his father.
The second day of school, there he was again, only this time Price was wearing a San Diego Chargers helmet and jersey. Day three, it was an Anakin Skywalker helmet, and the next day, swim trunks and a snorkel mask.
Other kids started to take note.
“Most of them like it, and we roll down our windows and wave. It’s fun,” Rain said.
His dad admits it took a lot of effort to keep it up, but said it was “a way of letting him know that we really care about him, but do something a little different.” He described it as “a father’s way” of saying I love you.
It ended up being a daily tradition for him, with a new costume each and every day.
“No recycling costumes, that’s the rule,” Price said. “I managed to adhere to that, and for better or for worse “... we have some interesting costumes.”
Check out the full gallery of photos on the Price’s website, Wave At The Bus.
BMWK family, have you ever heard of anything like this? What would you have done if your parents did this to you when you were in high school?