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Three Surprising Marriage Lessons Learned from a Newborn

Almost three months ago I gave birth to my third baby. He hasn’t been in the world for a full quarter, but he’s already teaching me some important life lessons. Without even knowing or trying, just by being a baby, my little boy is teaching me how to be a better spouse through things like…

The way that he smiles –  Even when he is responsible for some of my roughest nights, my baby’s smiling face can steal my heart again every morning. It’s one of the best feelings in the world to see someone’s face and know how genuinely happy they are that you are here.

What it’s taught me about marriage: A smile, a kiss, “a good morning,” or a “good night” all can help my husband to feel remembered and acknowledged. They’re reminders that I still desire his presence in my life.

The way that he looks at everything as though it’s brand new – The way his eyes widen when he hears a dog bark, the excitement on his face when he feels running water, the way his ears perk up when he hears a new song: There’s just something about watching someone experience everything in the world for the very first time that helps renew those parts of life that we take for granted.

What it’s taught me about marriage: I’m learning to recognize amazing things about my husband, even though I see them every day. Instead of letting my eyes gloss over at the little things, I’m learning to appreciate and be grateful for all that he brings to my life.

The way that I can learn all about him –  My baby loves baths and the Itsy Bitsy Spider. He hates being carried so that he can’t see everything going on. He’s opinionated, and when he’s uncomfortable in any way he lets me, and the whole world, know about it. I’m just at the beginning of a lifetime journey of getting to know him inside and out.

What it’s taught me about marriage: After years together, it can feel like my husband and I have known each other for so long that I’ve heard every story and been there for everything else. In truth, we’re always changing, growing and learning something new and there will never be a point when I don’t have anything else to learn about my spouse. By adjusting and re-learning each other as we grow, we stay connected to the people we are now, not the ones we were years ago.

BMWK – Have your kids taught you anything about love? How can you apply the lessons on this list?

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