On Monday November16th Lamar and Ronnie Tyler, founders of Black and Married With Kids.com and Producers of the documentary Happily Ever After: A Positive Image of Black Marriage appeared on Fox 5 Morning News (FMN) talking about the website and the film. You can check out the interview below.
About Lamar Tyler
Lamar Tyler is co-creator BlackandMarriedWithKids.com. He also is the co-producer of the films Happily Ever After: A Positive Image of Black Marriage, You Saved Me, Men Ain't Boys and Still Standing.
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I’m loving Ronnie’s outfit. 🙂 Okay, back to the video. LOL.
Great interview! Congratulations and keep up the good work. I am your biggest fan here in France and I love reading your blogs. The topics are so familiar to me and my family and a lot of my friends. I am so glad that you are documenting sucessful black families not only for our community, but for the world to see. I pray that you are given more and more opportunities to share these positive images.
Oooh I have that same sweater in Green! NY and Co? LOVE that store!
Love this clip and love all the accolade you guys are getting. Much deserved!
This is awesome! Congrats and God bless!
I loved the interview!! I’m so happy you guys are putting black love out there. Keep doing what you do!!
I am so proud of you guys, you are doing it so BIG!!! I am so glad people are able to hear and see your message well beyond the blogosphere.
You are doing MUCH-NEEDED work over here at BMWK!!! I’m very proud of you both, and I appreciate the positive impact that your work will have on our community in particular, and in other communities who have been fed negative perceptions of Black relationships/families.
on the morning the I miss the news!!
<– hating
Ronnie thinks she’s SOOO cute! hmpf
**Sneaking to watch this at work**Congrats guys!
Hi All..thanks for all of the love!!! We could not do this without your hard work and support of BMWK!!!
Nice interview. I always know when someone believes it their craft because they don’t have to hesitate to answer a question. “The Tylers” are our living “Huxtables”. Keep doing it big. Some support negative but I have never met anyone not to support “Positive”. I have my copies and can’t wait to stuff some stockings. Lamar and Ronnie you are making it so possible for many by having viewings for all to get a chance to be apart of something so amazing. I love you man and woman. LOL.
Congrats! this is great to see for those of us who one day want to be happily married with kids:)
Nice interview! & Thank You for ALL of your hard work Lamar and Ronnie .
The interviews were very positive and real. We still have a ways to go but this is definitely a good start. I just hope tht more people would see this become inspired.
Fantastic interview! We are so proud of you!
Great interview! I’m so inspired.
this is beautiful!! and so needed! congrats on the success!
This is beatiful! Thanks Ronnie and Lamar!
Awwww, Congrats guys!! You both looked great and are such an inspiration to many!
Thank you so much for ths site. I’m so happy I’ve stumbled across it. I’m in college right now dating the love of my life and when I see this page and the trailors of your DVD’s (which I plan on he and I watching together 2day), I get a renewed sense of hope that we have a good thing going and it’s not all in our heads. The couples and marriages portrayed in your material is everything I hope and pray to be with my boyfriend someday 🙂
Fantastic interview…..Lamar and Ronnie…Thinkers are great but Doers change the world!
We are proud of you GUYS!
Much Love,
Marcus n Gloria