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Viola Davis Delivers Commencement Speech at Alma Mater

Graceful beauty and Oscar-nominated actress Viola Davis returned to her old stomping grounds to offer words of encouragement. The star of “The Help” delivered a commencement speech to graduating seniors of Central Falls High School in Rhode Island. Almost 30 years after receiving her high school diploma herself, Davis was inducted into the school’s Alumni Hall of Fame.

“Central Falls makes up in heart what it lacks in size. Make your mark ““ whatever it is ““ you have it in you,” Davis urged graduating student actors and members of student government.

Central Falls was in the news in 2010 for the mass firing (and then re-hiring) of all the high school’s teachers, and the city filed for bankruptcy last year. Davis has done her part in giving back to the community though, having donated $1,000 to Central Falls library and $1,000 to a charter school she supports. Meryl Streep, who beat our Viola Davis for the Oscar for best actress, also donated $10,000 to the charter and to the Upward Bound scholarship fund that Davis and her sister established.

Davis had many positive things to say to the graduates. “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” She shared a story about an incident she experienced in Central Falls in the third grade that involved some racism at that early age. You can read the story on Black Voices and learn how she tied the life lesson to a lesson for this next generation.

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