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Want a Happier Marriage? 7 Things that Will Take Your Marriage from Stressed to Blessed

Years ago, someone told me that being happily married was overrated because marriage is not about happiness. They shared that marriage was about a partnership and building a stable family…What? That’s it? We can’t do those things and be happy? I was confused then, and I’m still confused now.

Why would anyone commit to spending a lifetime with another person if you both weren’t planning on being happy together?

Listen, I understand that marriage is hard…But the truth is, life is hard. No one ever promised that this journey would be easy. And when you decide to combine your life with someone else’s—after years of doing things on your own—stuff will happen. You will get mad. There will be frustrations. You will have moments when you wonder what you should do next.

But all of that doesn’t mean that you can’t be happy. I believe that marriage was designed to be a partnership. I believe marriage is about support and love and family. I believe that it involves a lot of compromise. A LOT. But I don’t think we were meant to build a life with another human being without desiring happiness.

And while most of us want to find that happy, sweet spot in our marriages, sometimes we can’t. Maybe we got married under stressful or complicated conditions and there’s never been a sweet spot. Or maybe we were once really happy but that happiness slowly faded with time.

I don’t think much of that matters, though. I think what matters most is whether or not both people in the marriage want to be happier, and are they willing to do what’s necessary to get there.

If you want a happier marriage, here are 7 things you can try:

BMWK family, what are some things you do to make your marriage a happier one?

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