Jon Girodes, the Republican candidate for New York’s 30th District, sent an email to New York’s NBC affiliate news station, in which he described his plans to donate stereotypical black food to a Harlem neighborhood.
“Ps I’m hosting an event in Harlem, which will be in front of the state building in a few weeks. We will [donate] Kool Aid, KFC and watermelons to the public on 125th street in Harlem. Please join us to help the community.”
Obviously, the email sparked backlash. But the politician, seeing nothing wrong with the email, still stands behind his plan.
“What I think is anyone who gives free food to people is doing them a favor,” Girodes told the same New York NBC news station. “Get a bunch of people who say it’s offensive and let me go into their neighborhood and give it out for free and see if they take it.”
The same candidate was also involved in a recent alleged rent scam.
BMWK, thoughts? Are his statements consistent with racist ignorance or being out of touch? And be honest, who among you would show up for the free food?