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What’s On Your “I’m Grateful” List?

by Tara Pringle Jefferson

A few months ago, I found myself in a bit of a slump.

It started when  I was laid off.  At first, things were good because my kids didn’t immediately come out of daycare. I had a couple weeks to figure out my next move.

But then the kids came out of daycare.

I received my last severance check.

And suddenly it felt like I was on my own.

The fear of not being able to provide for my family, to not have a sense of direction anymore, to be overwhelmed by the tasks I assumed as a work-at-home mom with no babysitter ““ it was getting to me. Big time. And I didn’t like it.

So I decided to take a cue from my blogging buddy  Denise after reading her post about blessings and being grateful. I began to look at my blessings. At first, I was reluctant. “I don’t feel like smiling, don’t feel like being  positive,” I told myself.  Can’t I just wallow in this self-pity for a minute?

But wallowing in self-pity gets me feeling unproductive and for me, THAT’S the worst feeling I can have. So I began to list everything I felt I should be grateful for:

This little exercise comforted me and gave me confidence that I am on the right path, my life is GOOD, and whatever fear I’m feeling right now is the prelude to something magnificent. Every morning I wake up and say to myself, “Something good, something positive is on its way to my life.” I feel it and I am ready.

Go ahead and share ““ what are you grateful for?

Tara Pringle Jefferson is managing editor of She’s also the author of  Make It Happen: The Young Mommy Guide To Creating The Career You Crave.  Follow her on Twitter or check out  her blog for her insights on what it means to be a mom, wife, student, writer, and about three other labels she’s too tired to remember.

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