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Who Is Looking for Our Children?

The issue of limited coverage given to black missing children continues to be a problem in our society. Just like their peers of other ethnicities, black children also go missing. The difference is, the search efforts for them are not given the same level of national support and attention as when a white child goes missing.

“Why would the race of a missing child matter? Getting any child who is in danger into the arms of the people who will ensure their safety is the top priority. Finding a missing child requires the coordinated efforts of family, law enforcement and the media, two institutions not historically known for favoring minorities, particularly blacks. Why does it seem a select few missing children get all the national coverage?”

Sadly, there are children that will somehow fall through the cracks. We will be unable to search for them because we will not be aware of the fact that they are even gone. For more on this story and a list of missing children visit The Denver Post.

BMWK — What changes do you think can be made to increase the coverage of missing black children?

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