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10 Things You Should Know About Marriage

You may have received a lot of advice from different people regarding marriage, whether you are single, engaged or already married. I didn’t receive a lot of advice before I got married. But I have received some wise nuggets from a few family members over that last 17 years of my marriage.

I will share what I was told and some things I had to learn on my own.

  1. Keep God in your marriage. You’re going to need some direction that only He can give.
  2. Communication is very important. Sometimes you guys may get off track somewhere, keep the lines of communication open. Notice I said lines not line. That means you have to listen as well as talk.
  3. Ladies we sometimes overwhelm our men with too much information. During conversations, they may seem to shut down and remain silent. This doesn’t mean they are not listening or don’t care, they are just processing what we are saying.
  4. Trust is important and not only refers to cheating. Trust can refer to a partner staying in the relationship when it starts to get hard. It can also refer to someone trusting their partner to have their backs. Trust has many aspects. It’s fragile, don’t lose it.
  5. You are going to have so much fun with each other. You have a lifetime partner to try new things with, travel with and do absolutely nothing with.
  6. Your spouse will become your best friend. You will still have your boys and your girls to hang with but something about the closeness with your spouse will turn him/her into your best friend. There are things only you two will share with each other.
  7. The relationship will change because you will change. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s a mature thing. Things that used to bother you about your spouse won’t be an issue anymore.
  8. Some folks won’t be happy for you. As you share how wonderful your spouse is or how happy you are to be married, some friends and/or family don’t want to hear it. There is nothing you can do about their unhappiness, just keep doing you.
  9. Don’t tell everyone your business regarding your marriage. Going back to number 8, not everyone is happy for you and will look for anything to make you unhappy. Be careful who you tell and what you tell.
  10. And last but not least, sex is so much better when you are married. I had my doubts about that one when I was single because I didn’t understand it. Now that I’m married, I understand that the added intimacy between husband and wife makes the love making that much better.

There are many other things that can be added to the list, I just shared a few. The longer I’m married I know I will be adding more.

BMWK- what would you add to the list?

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