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3 Bachelor Party Myths

So you’re about to get married and we all know what time it is, Bachelor Party Time! You and your buddies have talked about this many times in advance. Some of your friends already have the whole thing mapped out for you. This is your “last hoorah” and they want you to take full advantage of it. Well, before you dive into the festivities, be aware of a few things.  Things are not always what they seem and you may be wise to take heed to these 3 Bachelor Party Myths.

1. Those Strippers are NOT for You

Being that a lot of bachelor parties involves some professional dancers getting a bunch of liquored up men excited, I figure I would clear something up for the groom. Those strippers weren’t really hired for you; they are for your friends. Don’t believe me?  Tell your buddies you don’t want strippers when it’s your time to have a bachelor party. They’re reaction will vary from flat out anger to bursting out in tears (ok maybe I’m exaggerating with the tears…I hope). They may claim this is for your entertainment and enjoyment, but don’t be silly. Truthfully, your married buddies (as well as the single ones) need and want an excuse to get some live action. Your introduction into matrimony is the perfect time to get it. So, if you really want strippers, then hey who am I to tell you no. Just realize you’re doing this for your friends, and basically that’s what friends are for.

2. This Is Your Last Day of Freedom

Reality Check: you lost your freedom when you agreed to be in a relationship buddy. If you’ve been exercising full freedom this whole time, then yes, you’re in for a rude awakening. I’m not implying that relationships and marriage are equivalent to jail time. I’m just saying it isn’t the same freedom you had when you were single. Understand though that waiting until your bachelor party is over to accept this reality is not the smartest move. Do you wait until you play in the championship to raise your level of play, or do you practice well in advance in anticipation for that day? You better have gotten your mind right well before that last stripper leaves the bachelor party if you want to make a smooth transition into marriage. You knew it was coming, so if you’re not properly prepared for what’s to come, well then you only have yourself to blame.

3. Nobody Will Ever Find Out about This Night

Any of you ever had that one guest who your fiancée asked you to invite? Well guess what, he’s a spy and you better be on guard that whole night before he reveals all the craziness that went down. No seriously, maybe he wasn’t exactly a spy but don’t think that one of those guys at your party isn’t going to tell somebody what happened. Men at times talk as much as women (some talk even more than women), and your future wife has plenty of ways of extracting information from the guy she thinks is most likely to spill the beans (pillow talk is deadly). There are a lot of women that get the low down on what happened that night, but they won’t call you out on it because chances are, the bachelorette party was way worse than you think (makes your party look like an after school special), and she figures she will just call this one even.

I hope none of this deters you from your much awaited night. I just thought some of you may like to be put on notice on the three points discussed. The main thing to always remember is that this is just a party for one night, but your wife will be for a lifetime. So have your fun, enjoy your friends, but always remember you’re lucky to have found your wife and that is worth a lifetime of one on one partying with the one you love.

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