At some point your child may start acting up or “smelling themselves” as the old folk would say. And when this happens, you may start to question your parenting skills. You may start to blame your spouse.
However, understand that parenting is hard and no parent is perfect, so it’s important to not blame each other. Instead, study the following scriptures.
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
I believe a child should be raised with the Word of God because God is the One who created him/her, and He knows how their lives will turn out. I believe the way you raise your child when they are very young will impact how they will act when they are older.
You’ve likely taught your child right from wrong, modeled good behavior in front of her and discouraged negative forms of expression, so relax. If you know you trained your child in a positive manner, believe that, although he or she may stray, they won’t be lost. Sometimes it may look like they forgot everything you taught, but keep affirming. They won’t forget the teaching, and they will come back to it.
Philippians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
I’ve been here. Anxious and afraid for my children, especially after they left home—and not always on good terms. If you find yourself in this very same place, tell God about your feelings of fear and anxiety. Trust Him to handle the situation and practice patience while you are waiting for Him to turn it around. There will be a peace that comes over you, and you will notice the anxiety and fear melt away.
2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Continuing from the previous scripture, remember that fear is a spirit that is not from God. That’s the first thing to recognize. So when fear creeps in, dismiss it with the knowledge that you don’t have to accept it.
God gave you His spirit, which is powerful, so pray and believe that you will receive what you prayed for regarding your child. He gave you His spirit, which is loving, so you can show your child how much he/she means to you. He gave you His spirit, which is calm and competent, so you will able to handle your current situation with grace.
I can tell you that I applied the above scriptures to my life when my children were making some questionable decisions and “smelling themselves.” I admit, things didn’t turn around overnight, but I can tell you that we all have a better, tighter relationship now.
My kids are now 23 and 19, and they started acting up in the teenage years. There were times when I thought my heart would break, but prayer works! My husband and I stood on the Word, and my personal prayer was “God, thank you for restoring my family.”
Not only did He restore it, He exceeded above all that I could ask for or think of. And it was only according to the power that works in me; His power.
BMWK family, what scriptures helped you when you were going through tough times with your child?