At some point your child may start acting up or “smelling themselves” as the old folk would say. And when this happens, you may start to question your parenting skills. You may start to blame your spouse. However, understand that parenting is hard and no parent is perfect, so it's important to not blame each other. Instead, study the following scriptures. Proverbs 22:6 … [Read more...]
Marriage is for Grown-Ups. 5 Childish Behaviors You Should Stop Now
There will come a time in your marriage when you will find some behaviors unnecessary and maybe even a little crazy. For me personally, my husband and I are at the point where we refuse to argue over small stuff. We’ve reached the place in our marriage where we know how to avoid an argument because, well, we just don’t feel like arguing and would rather use that time for … [Read more...]
5 Things That May Be Killing Your Mood and Your Spouse Didn’t Make the List
You wake up in a crappy mood and look at the person laying next to you in bed. It’s your spouse. Unfortunately, he is going to have to deal with your funky mood today, the way he has for countless days. He loves you. He knows you love him. But that funk you’ve been in makes you no fun to be around. As a matter of fact, it makes you downright impossible to be around some … [Read more...]
Second Chances: Will My Cheating Man Be Faithful this Time?
Can a man change for the woman he claims to love? If a woman finds out her man is talking inappropriately to a coworker and she tells him to stop, but later catches him emailing the same woman, "I love you." He says he 'messed up.' He apologizes and says he doesn't want the other woman. She takes him back, only to find out months later that not only is he still talking to her, … [Read more...]
Why Connecting with Your Child is More Important than Discipline
For those of us who were raised “old school”, we grew up knowing: Rule #1. Mom and Dad are always right. And even when they’re wrong—they're right. Rule #2. A butt whippin’ was standard operating procedure when you misbehaved. And don’t forget to pick your own stick off the tree in the front yard for that whippin’. And, Rule #3. When in doubt, reference Rule … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Kids Need Role Models
Kids may unknowingly see some adults as role models. These adults can be family, teachers or even celebrities. Many parents may be unaware their kids have role models, especially celebrities, because kids may never talk about them... but just follow their every move on social media. Some people may think kids should not have role models, so I’ve listed 3 reasons why I think … [Read more...]
3 Things You Need to Know Before You Say “I Do”
Is the person you are dating looking like he or she may be the one? Do you feel the relationship is heading towards marriage? Well, before you start trying on wedding dresses and tuxedos, sampling wedding cakes and practicing your first dance for your wedding, there are some things you need to know before you say “I do." 1. Your wedding will not reflect your marriage. Just … [Read more...]
VIDEO: 8-year-old Child Handcuffed for Throwing a Tantrum at School
Yesterday an 8-year-old Alton, Illinois special needs student was handcuffed by the police after throwing a tantrum while at school. The child ended up being placed into custody and was picked up from the police station by her uncle who is also her guardian. As reported by the child has a history of anxiety, and separation problems. According to her uncle, while she … [Read more...]
Boy Risks Suspension Without Mom’s Supervision in School
At the St. Louis, MO school's request, Veronica Williams must sit with her 4th grade son all day or he will be suspended if she can not find another adult to supervise him. The school sites behavioral problems and class disruptions as reasons for this odd request. Normandy School District's Barack Obama Elementary School recently suspended the 10-year-old after Williams … [Read more...]