Married Couples have so much going on right now. Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, you may be working from home, homeschooling, cooking multiple meals a day, and keeping the kids entertained. In doing all of these things, you cannot leave your house. Along with holding down the home, you and your spouse are spending more time together. And since you are spending more time together, … [Read more...]
Cabin Fever: 3 Ways to Help Your Kids Manage Their Emotions During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has many people feeling stressed or overwhelmed. We’re in an unprecedented crisis that can have all of our emotions out of whack. Your children probably have those same thoughts and feelings, but may find it difficult to express them appropriately. We are dealing with unprecedented times across our country, and it’s more important than ever for your … [Read more...]
Should Couples Fix Communication Issues While in Quarantine or Later with Professional Help?
Communication is an essential key to a successful marriage. Couples must have the ability to sit down and listen to each other even if the topic is terrible. However, this is easier said than done. In some cases, couples can resolve issues on their own. Some decide to pray together, spend more time together, or even decide to make love more often. As we are ordered to stay … [Read more...]
Chef Nina Shares How to Make Food Last or Stretch While in Quarantine
The task of how to make food last or stretch while in quarantine is difficult because we are at home all day. In between working from home and homeschooling your kids, every so often boredom strikes. You find yourself heading to the refrigerator or pantry for a snack or a whole meal. Before you know it, all of the groceries bought that were meant to last a week are gone in a … [Read more...]
10 Virtual Dating Ideas:Social Distancing while Dating
Social distancing while dating or virtual dating is the new normal. For those who want to stay connected to a crush or love interest, a webcam call is the safest option. This is the season when all the singles start looking good, preparing to meet someone to date. Ladies bring out the sundresses showing off their curves, and men wear tank tops showing off their muscles. In the … [Read more...]
Smart Money Moves to Make Now:File Your Tax Return Now or Later?
In the middle of this health crisis, you are probably wondering if you should submit your tax return now or later. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to, we have until July 15. No matter what your decision is, there are smart money moves to make now! With all of this uncertainty and confusion about the economy, a lot of U.S citizens are facing tough decisions. Many … [Read more...]
5 Out of the Box Ways to Celebrate Easter during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down and this year, Easter will be celebrated using unique, out of the box ways. I’m sure we were all looking forward to our Easter plans, but amid the virus outbreak, those plans will have to shift a little. As the holiday symbolizes Jesus’s resurrection, it is one of the most looked forward to celebrations of the … [Read more...]
3 Unique Ways to Help Your Community During a Pandemic
It's a really difficult time right now for so many people. As the Coronavirus ravages the social connections in our lives, we wonder how we can be of help in our community. It's pretty well known that when the economy takes a hit, the African American community gets hit the hardest. So how can we serve each other with social restrictions and financial challenges hitting us all … [Read more...]
Coronavirus Cabin Fever: 3 Ways to Handle the Pressure and Keep Your Relationship Intact
The Coronavirus pandemic, at least for the short term, has changed life as we know it. The disease keeps us from work and social activities and we don't know for how long. The idea of being at home for weeks on end is starting to set in. The extroverts are going crazy. The introverts want the extroverts to get out! Cabin fever is setting in and our relationships are at a … [Read more...]
Coronavirus: 5 Prayers to Cover Faith, Family, Friends, Focus, and Finances
Coronavirus, known scientifically as COVID-19, is wreaking havoc on our way of life. As the pandemic makes its way across our communities and the world, we can become overwhelmed and fearful. The Bible teaches us to not let fear overtake us. But that's easier said than done. For me, prayer not only reminds me who is in control, but it keeps my spirit calm and my mind outward … [Read more...]
10 Fun Ways to Celebrate Your Marriage This Month
Last week, it was a lot of fun taking part in "I want you to be happy day" with my husband. I took some of my own advice and tried to make the day encouraging. If you and your spouse took part in the celebration, I'd love to hear how it went. But, it also lets me know you like to celebrate your relationship in fun and unusual ways. So this month, here are 10 ways you and your … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Celebrate Your Spouse on “I Want You to Be Happy Day”
Off the bat, no one can make you happy. No one else is responsible for your happiness. Married, single, or somewhere in between, your happiness comes as a direct result of your choice. With that said, we thought we'd share a few tips that might help couples support each other on their road to happiness. Tomorrow, March 3rd is "I want you to be happy," day. Yeah. It's a thing. … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Train Yourself for an Amazing Marriage
In a recent article, I wrote about 3 Ways to Train Your Spouse for a Perfect Marriage. I thought I was going to catch some flack because of the word "Perfect." As it turns out, more people took issue with the word "Train." "My spouse is not an animal," one person commented. Another wrote, "training is not necessary for grown adults." At least one person thought the word was … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Keep Politics from Ruining Your Marriage
So, here we are in another election year. To be honest, I hate it. It's tough seeing and hearing the partisan ads on TV and the radio. But what I hate most is the effect I see it having on relationships. And I don't mean just couples. I mean parents and children, brothers and sisters, church family and friends, and people we've been down with since birth. But, since I'm all … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Tell You’ve Found a Real Christian Spouse
With Valentine's Day right around the corner, many singles are bound to be looking for love. Too often, however, many end up looking for love in all the wrong places. In particular, some who wear the name "Christian" find themselves in a bind because, sadly, they believe the church is the last place they'll find a spouse who shares their values. If you're confused about how to … [Read more...]