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3 Things Power Couples Do Differently That Set Them Apart

Bey and Jay.

Nicole and Boris.

Will and Jada.

The Obamas.

These are some of our most talked about Black power couples. We love the way they look together and what they have accomplished together.

But beyond the fact that these purpose-driven, high-achieving, beautiful couples are great to look at, what can they teach us about finding The One and making it last? What do Black power couples do differently that we need to know?

1) They complement & celebrate each other instead of competing with each other.

Both Jay Z and Beyonce are in the entertainment industry and it could be easy for them to step on each others’ toes or get jealous of one another’s accomplishments. But they know they’re on the same team and they want to win!

Jay Z has said: “Sometimes on creative stuff, one of us will ask, ‘Do you think this is cool? She’s a magnificent A&R, if she ever decides to do that, for things like pitch. So I defer to her on those sort of questions.” (Rolling Stone, 2010)

Not only do they collaborate on projects, they also celebrate when the other wins!

Relationship tip: Look for someone who helps you win and celebrates when you do! 

2) They build each other up, not tear one another down.

In a 2012 Good Housekeeping article, First Lady Michelle Obama said she and her husband spend time together working out. But they don’t just build good health together, they build each other up, too!

President Obama, when speaking of his beloved on The Oprah Winfrey Show said,

“Obviously I couldn’t have done anything that I’ve done without Michelle. . . not only has she been a great first lady, she is just my rock. I count on her in so many ways every single day.” (The Oprah Winfrey Show, 2011)

Relationship tip: Choose someone who brings out the best in you, not the stress in you. Accept a person for who he is and you’ll inspire him to become his best self.

3) They have passion for each other and a purpose for their relationship

Passion is so important to a relationship, but there’s an even more important ingredient that most people don’t think about when they’re looking for The One: Purpose.

Consider this insight from Will Smith: “If you don’t have a purpose for your relationship, if you don’t have a place that you’re going, something that you want to accomplish, something that you want to do, you can really get lost in the murk of the journey. There has to be a vision. Like, why are we together? (Oprah Show 2010)

Relationship tip: Find someone who can be your purpose-partner! 

When you’re a powerful, accomplished individual you need an equally powerful relationship. These Black power couples show us that it’s important to choose someone who will hold you down, not someone who will hold you back. They also reveal that you can accomplish a whole lot more in the world with the right person by your side!

BMWK: Who’s your favorite power couple?

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