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6 Ways to Resist the Urge to Shop When You Have a Closet Full of Clothes but Nothing to Wear

I hear so many women (myself included) complain that they never have anything to wear, although they have a closet full of clothes.

But we all know that this is never true. What we are really trying to say, is that we have run out of ideas, creativity, inspiration, and focus. If you find yourself having this issue, here are a few tips to refocus your finances and your contain your nervous energy.

  1. Freeze your credit cards: If you can’t get to your credit cards, then you can’t use them. This strategy is similar to the 48-hour wait rule. If you mull over a purchase for 48-hours and still want to buy it, then go for it.
  1. Check Pinterest: Sometimes when you think you have nothing to wear, it’s because of a lack of ideas, not a lack of clothes. Looking through Pinterest for ideas on how to mix and match what you have, will give you new outfit ideas without you having to buy anything new.
  1. Check Your Dirty Clothes Hamper: Sometimes you think you have nothing to wear because most of your favorite clothes are dirty and what’s left in your closets are your least favorite items. When you do laundry, you instantly increase your sartorial choices.
  1. Prune the closet: Maybe the overabundance of clothes is making you indecisive. I have heard fashion experts talk about your style uniform. Do you have one? Even though I wouldn’t consider myself a fashionista, I know for sure, that I love pencil skirts, collar shirts, and a bangle. In addition to that, I have noticed that I like bright color pants and flowy tops. The more of these things that I have in my closet, the more options I feel that I have.
  1. Get a second opinion: Bring your stylish friend(s) over and let her go through your closet with her fashion police lens. She will be able to make combinations for you that you would have never seen.
  2. Do a swap: Over the Christmas break, I suggested this idea to a group of friends. It was a success. Each brought three cute items that they no longer wore and everyone left with “new” stuff without the side effects of credit card debt.

BMWK, What are other strategies do you know to help you overcome this sartorial challenge?

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