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7 Things You May Be Doing to Sabotage Your Marriage

7 Things You May be Doing to Sabotage Your Marriage

We all have baggage.  It may be heavier for some of us than it is for others, but we all have it.  The question is, how do we manage that baggage – and even more importantly – what happens if we don’t get rid of it (or at least learn how to keep it from damaging any part of our lives) before we end up in a committed relationship?

We can go into our relationships with so much baggage that we begin to sabotage something that really has a bright future.  We are not doing it consciously, but nonetheless, it is still happening.  Maybe it’s something we say, maybe it’s a behavior we exhibit, or maybe it’s an expectation we have of our spouse that’s causing the damage.  And the truth is, we might actually think this behavior is either helping things or protecting us, but it’s doing neither.

The good news is that baggage can be dumped, attitudes and behaviors can change, and whatever is sabotaging your relationship can get the boot (if you are willing to give it).  Here are seven things you may be doing to sabotage your relationship. Maybe with a few adjustments your sabotaging days can come to an end.

BMWK Family, is there anything you are doing that may be sabotaging your marriage?

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