Love isn’t always easy. Each partner brings their own set of past relationship baggage to a new relationship that includes their upbringing, life experiences, and the past. These things can either enhance or hinder you as a partner. The imprint left by an ex-partner can get in the way of having a successful marriage. If you are wondering how your relationship baggage may be … [Read more...]
BOOO! Is Your Relationship Haunted by a Relationship Ghost?
Many couples can’t create the happily ever after they want because of the many ghosts that dwell in, fly around and haunt their relationship. Are you unable to fully receive and experience love with your mate because of the ghosts of insecurities, past hurts and past relationships still threaten to surface? Are your personal baggage ghosts weighing your relationship down? Are … [Read more...]
3 Ways You’re Letting Your Emotional Baggage Ruin Your Marriage
Individuals sometimes enter a marriage with a lot more than just love for their partner. Emotional instability, regrets, resentment, and wounds that have yet to heal, are just a few. It becomes challenging to create a healthy marriage when we have unresolved issues preventing us from being able to fully contribute to a marriage. We may think love is enough to conquer all, … [Read more...]
7 Things You May Be Doing to Sabotage Your Marriage
We all have baggage. It may be heavier for some of us than it is for others, but we all have it. The question is, how do we manage that baggage – and even more importantly – what happens if we don’t get rid of it (or at least learn how to keep it from damaging any part of our lives) before we end up in a committed relationship? We can go into our relationships with so much … [Read more...]
Is Your Spouse Aware of Your Back-Story?
We all know our past and upbringing all contribute to the type of adults and spouses we become. Unfortunately, a large number of individuals who were raised in homes where arguing, yelling, and name calling were the norm later grew up and, more than likely, sought a partner they could have a similar relationship with. People who came from loving and nurturing environments … [Read more...]