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7 Ways to Take Your Love to the Next Level

By Shana Campbell

Self-love seems like a topic that is often overlooked when it comes to overall relationships. What is self-love? My definition of self-love in a nutshell is making yourself a priority. At a glance it seems selfish, but it’s not. When you learn to love yourself more, you become your best self. By loving yourself, you will feel re-energized and able to give more, receive more, and love more. Often, we put ourselves on the back-burner, which can ultimately result in resentment or feelings of despair. By filling up everyone’s else’s cup, our cup may run low and if we continue to run on empty, it can create emotional exhaustion.  By loving yourself more, you can have more loving and fulfilling experiences!

It’s been my observation in my personal life and with the people I have encountered, that we are more likely to have moments of life limbo when we are not practicing self-loveLife limbo includes moments of confusion, indecisiveness, and when we adapt the “I’m not good enough” mindset. These moments tend to reduce our levels of self-love and slowly erode the desires of one’s heart. As a result, some of us may experience unrealized dreams, lack of motivation, settle for mediocre relationships/jobs, or allow self-limiting beliefs about ourselves to dominate our lives, which prevents us from seeing the infinite possibilities that exist. Remember, the moments of life limbo don’t necessarily become permanent but may be more chronic and harder to change. The good news is there’s a solution (choosing yourself!).

Isn’t it time to say, “Yes” to yourself by making yourself a priority?  Not only would you reap the wonderful benefits of self-love, so would the people in your life. Once you make a decision, get clear on what you want, and know your self-value, you can experience more love, clarity, self-confidence, and joy in your life. It will be inevitable for others not to notice these changes and it will effect other areas in your life.

Implement these 7 ways to take your love to the next level:

1) Know that you are loved, lovable, and deserving of love.

2) Participate in activities that feed your soul (e.g. reading a good book, exercise and etc.)

3) Carve out time in your schedule that allows you to have some down time to yourself, whether it’s five minutes a day or a weekend. Put it on your calendar (you’re important).

4) Embrace and practice being your authentic self.

5) Give yourself permission to say, “No” to things that can be a distraction from your path. It can be challenging at first, but, its time to start saying, “yes” to yourself.

6) Volunteer your time/donate to a cause that interests you. When you are filled up with love, its inevitable that you share with others and impossible to keep it all to yourself.

7) Remember to be grateful, because, this continues to nurture the love you have for others and yourself.

BMWK, do you take the time to love on yourself? What are some of the benefits you’ve seen?

Shana Campbell is a certified Created Love® coach, and she works with single men and women to help them enhance their love life. Shana currently resides in Hawaii, is a self-proclaimed “foodie”, and enjoys reading and the outdoors, specifically the beach. You can keep up with Shana by visiting her website: and she offers a complimentary LOVE assessment.

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