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8 Reasons Why Singles Rush to the Altar and 3 Ways to Make It Last

I have known of many singles over the years who rushed to get married. For some, it worked out well and they have been together for many years, but for many, rushing to marry was a disaster waiting to happen. Here are a few reasons why many singles rush to marry.

  1. They want to make things right. The couple may be living together or may have indulged in premarital sexual intercourse and feel guilty about it. To enjoy guilt-free sex they may decide to marry quickly. This can be an issue, because if the relationship is not solidified in other areas then marrying quickly to make things right won’t necessarily keep the couple together.
  2. There’s a bun in the oven. I think this may be the number one reason for singles rushing to the altar. A baby is on the way, and they may not want to disappoint family members – or they just want the baby to be born within wedlock.
  3. No need to wait. The couple may be ready to settle down immediately. Instead of planning an elaborate event, they decide one day to elope or they plan an intimate event with just a few close friends and family members.
  4. Relocation. One person may be leaving for the Armed Forces and maybe he or she wants to ensure that their partner is covered from a benefits standpoint. Or one person received a new position that will require a long-distant move and they want their significant other to relocate with them.
  5. New love. I have heard of people meeting on cruises and getting married after just a few days of getting to know each other.
  6. Needing a place to stay. Sometimes one partner may need to move from their current home or apartment. Instead of just moving in together, they opt to marry first.
  7. Immigration! Yes, this happens sometimes. Someone wants to become a citizen and decides to marry to gain citizenship.
  8. Peer Pressure. Friends and family members are getting married. Everyone keeps looking at the couple who is still dating to ask “So when is your big day?” Some couples succumb to this pressure and marry faster than they originally planned.

There may be many other scenarios where singles rush to the altar to marry. If you choose to marry quickly, consider the following:

  1. Signing up for pre-marital counseling to help you prepare for your new life with your intended spouse.
  2. Surround yourselves with mentors and advisers who can caution you if you are about to make a serious mistake by getting married quickly.
  3. And last, but certainly not least, incorporate prayer into your decision. Marriage is intended to last forever. Do all you can before exchanging vows to lay a strong foundation for a healthy marriage.
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