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8 Reasons Your Ms. Right Might Actually Be Ms. Wrong!

8 Reasons Your Ms. Right Might Actually Be Ms. Wrong!

I’ve learned that 75% of the path to marriage lies in the selection process. Now, there isn’t any scientific theory to this number it’s merely my opinion gathered from coaching so many people.

It is my belief that the big reason so many marriages don’t last isn’t because marriage is so hard or because people “change,” it’s more so because people don’t put enough effort into the selection process when choosing life partners.

We are so hungry for the wedding that we forget about the marriage part, and we are so excited about posting it on Facebook that we forget we actually have to live it in real life. So many times we end up marrying Mr. or Ms. Wrong and then regretting it later.

Well, my friend Martine Foreman wrote about 8 Reasons Your Man May Be Mr. Wrong last week so this week let’s focus on a few reasons why your woman might be Ms. Wrong.

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