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8 Ways to Battle New Mom Anxiety

I’m a lot better now, but when I was a first time mom, my anxiety level was THROUGH THE ROOF! What to do? Am I doing the right thing? Will I be a good mom? All of these questions are justified…new baby, hormone fluctuations, life changes and more! As new moms, we have every right to feel any and every emotion we so please. But, if it makes you feel any better, here are a few pointers on how to battle new mom anxiety.

1. You won’t break the baby. Babies are tough! They have gone through A LOT to get here and they are ready to take on the world…literally! Don’t worry about hurting the baby. Just handle them with loving care.

2. GERMS!!! Please don’t feel hesitant or offensive when asking people to wash their hands before touching your newborn. Also, have your guests to remove their shoes when entering your home. Baby will be crawling before you know it. Protect your baby!

3. Yes, you will be a GREAT mom! As a mother, I would have to say that motherhood is one of the hardest things to do. Will you be perfect? No. Will you be good enough? Yes…and then some! Don’t be too hard on yourself. Kids don’t come with instructions. It’s all on-the-job-training. You will be fine!

4. Snapping back. I remember fitting right back into my pre-pregnancy jeans with my first born. It was a feeling of euphoria!! But with age and time, the 2nd and 3rd pregnancies were not so easy for me to “snap back” into shape. I will say that breastfeeding and just walking for exercise helps tremendously at first.

5. Stretch marks. If you’re one of the few to escape stretch marks, consider yourself blessed. But, if you’re like most of us, start calling them your “Warrior Stripes”, because indeed they are! And also remember there are women who would die to be in your shoes…stretch marks and all!

6. Postpartum depression. As stated earlier, your hormones fluctuate so rapidly and so much, it may be tough to determine if there is a problem. Talk to your doctor, know the signs and don’t be embarrassed.

7. How will you do it all? Ummmm…easy answer. You won’t! This is the time when you accept those offers to help you with your new little one – whether it’s a family member or a friend. Just. Say. Yes! There will be lots of time later in life to wear that cape and put an “S” on your chest. But as a new mom, please let someone else help you with the laundry, the dishes and meals. Sometimes, you just need an extra set of hands so you can shower or a nap…OR BOTH!

8. Listen to your mom. After all, didn’t you turn out okay? Grandmas, moms, and aunts are excellent resources when caring for your new baby. Use them! Don’t frown on home remedies either. They could be most useful!

This a tough but wonderful time in your life, enjoy every aspect of it that you can between sleep deprivation, diaper changes and crying spells. You will be fine.

BMWK, any other advice for new moms?

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