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8 Ways to Grow Up in Your Marriage

One of my absolute favorite quotes about marriage was one I heard in the film, Still Standing, by Ronnie & Lamar Tyler: “The only way to know if you have unconditional love, is if conditions come to test that”. This quote is undeniably powerful whether you’re married or not. And if you’ve been married for any length of time, then you know that tests and trials are a natural part of the union. Sometimes they are forced on you, other times you (or your spouse) may force them upon yourself. Either way, conditions and challenges will always present themselves in your marriage. The difference between those that remain “still standing” and those that don’t is how they choose to handle those conditions.  Are you always right, or are you willing to admit when you’re wrong? Are you willing to continue learning and growing in your marriage?

When I look back on the things I used to say and the things I used to do before we got married, and even early on in our marriage, I just shake my head. I can now see how I contributed to unnecessary stress and tension. I think about how I handle things now, and how I used to handle them…small changes that have lead to big strides in solidifying my commitment in my marriage.  Below, are eight areas I’ve been reflecting on, when I think about the last eight years of marriage.

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