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9 Signs that You are in a Toxic Relationship

You know that feeling you get in your gut when you are deeply involved in a situation that just isn’t sitting well with your soul? It’s an unsettling feeling that tells you something needs to change, yet you find yourself holding on to the situation, ignoring what your gut is communicating loudly and clearly.

Typically that gut feeling is rarely wrong. It’s our body’s way of telling us things that we seem to be overlooking. A gut feeling that is ignored is sure to pop up again. So what does a bad gut feeling about a relationship mean? Simply put, it means that the relationship you’re in may be toxic and you should think about hitting the road if things don’t change drastically.

Toxic relationships are far too common when they shouldn’t be. People tend to stay in situations that don’t serve them well, sacrificing their happiness in exchange for a warm body to hold when they need affection. Misery sure seems like a high price to pay for some affection if you ask me. And sure, none of us are in perfect relationships and some moments with our mates leave us feeling frustrated, annoyed, and a straight up angry. But temporarily having a negative emotion is very different than being in a relationship that is consistently toxic.

So how do you know if the relationship you are in is toxic? It’s not that hard, really. The hard part is acknowledging the toxicity in your life and deciding that you deserve better and you want out.

Here are 9 signs that you are in a toxic relationship.

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