Knowing the signs of a toxic relationship is one of the most crucial steps in saving your relationship in the long run. It will open your eyes and show you the unhealthy relationship characteristics you must not tolerate. And while there are different types of relationships, you must see to it to not turn yours into a toxic one. Sure, it's quite exhausting to even imagine … [Read more...]
5 Signs You Should Never Ignore When Something Doesn’t Feel Right in Your Marriage
Do you ever get this feeling in your gut that things just aren’t right? We all get that feeling. Sometimes it’s a result of evidence we’ve compiled, and sometimes we can’t determine the root. Either way, the feeling is there, and it’s strong: something doesn't feel right in my marriage. 5 Signs You Should Never Ignore When Something Doesn’t Feel Right in Your Marriage In this … [Read more...]
3 Crazy Things People Do to Solve Their Marriage Problems and Why They Won’t Work
At the beginning of a marriage, many couples take time out to celebrate the start of their lifetime journey by heading off on a traditional vacation called a honeymoon. It is a time for them to strengthen their relationship and establish a strong physical bond. The time is private, intimate, and purposefully special. Eventually, however, the honeymoon is over and they head … [Read more...]
My Fiancé is Dating Another Woman. Do You Think That I Should Marry Him?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I have this boyfriend that I have been dating for almost three years now and we are planning to settle down. Recently, I found out that he has been dating several females. He told me that he could date several women because I have not made up my mind to marry him. After I told him that I was ready to marry him I found out that another girl called him and … [Read more...]
5 Important Things Women Often Overlook Because They’re in LOVE
I love my husband. I’ve known him for 20 years and we’ve been married for over 8 years. We have two kids together and a third on the way. Our lives aren’t perfect, but we certainly love what we have built. We’ve been blessed. But can I tell you a secret? My love for him is not why we are together. Sure, loves plays a role. After all, I would never marry a man I didn’t … [Read more...]
Don’t Play with Petty: 3 Ways You Can Go High When He Goes Low
A dear friend of mine has been dealing with some unwanted drama in her life. We talk about it a lot. I offer advice when she wants it. When she doesn’t, I try my best to bite my tongue and give her a shoulder to lean on. It’s what I would want any friend to do for me. Recently, the drama has been causing her a lot of stress and anger. I get it because just listening to some … [Read more...]
5 Very Personal Issues That Are Getting in the Way of Your Happily Ever After
Whether you find yourself single, married or somewhere in between, trying to build a healthy, lasting relationship isn’t always easy. It takes time and hard work. Furthermore, it requires a level of introspection that actually makes most people uncomfortable. But the more we are willing and able to take a closer look at who we are and how we move through the world, the more … [Read more...]
6 Character Flaws That Should Make You Question if You Are with the Right Man
I think I get on my husband’s nerves sometimes. You know what else? He gets on mine, too. The truth is we are all flawed. There is no perfect person or perfect marriage. We all make mistakes, we all have bad habits, and we all have moments where we could (and should) do better. Yet, despite these realities, some flaws should never be ignored. I believe that a few annoying … [Read more...]
Beyoncé’s Mom Just Revealed What “Lemonade” Is Really About; Plus, 3 Missed Lyrics That Sum It All Up
Ever since Beyoncé dropped her visual album “Lemonade,” the Internet has been flooded with talk about whether or not Bey was singing about Jay Z’s infidelity. Since then, everyone has been reading into lyrics about "Becky with the good hair" and "I regret the night I put that ring on" to draw conclusions about what really went down when there's "a billion dollars on an … [Read more...]
Help Please! I’m a 35 Year Old Single Guy Who Can’t Find a Woman that Meets My Expectations
Hey Dr. Buckingham, I am a 35-year-old single professional guy and I keep running into women who do not meet my expectations. I am looking for the total package. I am looking for a woman who is extremely attractive, humble, childless, down-to-earth, educated, professional like me, understands her worth and role, funny, feminine, spiritual and God-fearing, and freaky, but not … [Read more...]
9 Signs that You are in a Toxic Relationship
You know that feeling you get in your gut when you are deeply involved in a situation that just isn’t sitting well with your soul? It’s an unsettling feeling that tells you something needs to change, yet you find yourself holding on to the situation, ignoring what your gut is communicating loudly and clearly. Typically that gut feeling is rarely wrong. It’s our body’s way of … [Read more...]
My Wife Is Insecure: What Can I Do to Make Our Marriage Work?
Greetings Dr. Buckingham, I just read a post of yours and had to send you an email about my concerns. I am a married late 30 year old with two kids by my wife and have an older son from a previous relationship. My concern is similar to the post "my-ex does not know we are married". I want to thank you for sharing advice to our community. My concern is that--in my opinion- … [Read more...]
4 Things That Won’t Fix Your Relationship
Pay all of her bills. Give him a baby. Put a ring on it. What do all of these things have in common? They are among the popular ways that people try to fix a relationship—even when it’s obvious that it should end, or should never have begun. Another thing such relationship fixes have in common—they rarely, if ever, work. While such tactics might provide a temporary fix (for a … [Read more...]