Knowing the signs of a toxic relationship is one of the most crucial steps in saving your relationship in the long run. It will open your eyes and show you the unhealthy relationship characteristics you must not tolerate. And while there are different types of relationships, you must see to it to not turn yours into a toxic one. Sure, it’s quite exhausting to even imagine yourself in this situation, but every conflict in a relationship is normal. Also, it’s one of the ways couples can increase their intimacy with each other because they’re both sharing their needs and wants and figuring out a way to make it all work.
But, how much conflict is too much? What if there’s more arguing than kissing and making up? Let me share with you the seven signs of a bad relationship and what you can do about it.
Toxic Relationship: 7 Signs the Bad Outweighs the Good in Your Relationship
In this article:
- You’re constantly walking on eggshells
- Criticism replaces communication
- There’s no reciprocity
- You stop being friends
- There’s no trust
- You’re making excuses for your partner’s behavior
- You blame each other
1. You Feel Like You’re Constantly Walking on Eggshells
Do you feel like you have to censor yourself around your partner because any little thing can set him or her off? This is one of the signs of a toxic relationship you must not tolerate. You feel there’s this missing element with your partner, which is crucial in making a relationship work: acceptance. If you feel like you can’t be yourself, then the bad times have taken over your relationship.
2. Criticism Replaces Communication
You can’t have a regular conversation anymore because you both find yourself constantly criticizing each other. What used to be playful banter over you being late for a date now turns into a full-blown argument. The tension between you is so thick you can cut it with a knife! This is a huge sign your focus is no longer on the good things you admire about each other, and you’re only focused on what you don’t like.
3. There’s No Reciprocity
Your partner doesn’t initiate phone calls or dates anymore. When you’re affectionate with your partner, he seems cold. It seems the more you reach out, the more he withdraws. The lack of reciprocity is a sign your partner has disconnected from the relationship and is just going through the motions. You feel as if the love between you two will soon disappear.
4. You Stop Being Friends
It feels like you’re both living separate lives. You don’t know what’s going on in his inner circle, and you aren’t included in the decisions he makes. The foundation of your relationship is cracked.
5. There’s No Trust
Trust is fragile. When it’s broken, either because of infidelity or because of unmet expectations, it can be challenging to maintain a relationship. You must repair the ruptures if the relationship is to move back into a season of good times.
6. You’re Making Excuses About His/Her Bad Behavior
If you feel embarrassed to tell your friends and family what’s really going on in your relationship, and you make up excuses about why your partner has changed, it’s a sign that what you’re going through isn’t just a phase.
7. You’re Blaming Each Other
Maybe you’re not covering for your partner; maybe you’re blaming your partner for the problems in the relationship. The blame game prevents you from actually coming up with solutions for your relationship challenges and pushes you further apart.
If you want to know more about the signs of a bad relationship, watch this video from Bright Side’s channel:
Do any of these signs of a bad relationship sound familiar? If so, it’s time to ask yourself if you’re just going through a rough patch or if these problems are persistently hounding you. All relationships have problems, so you shouldn’t break up just because you have a conflict with each other. However, if you’re facing unresolvable problems such as trust issues, abuse, and other harmful behaviors, you need to understand these issues won’t disappear without help and willingness from both people to work on the relationship.
Do you have other signs of a bad relationship you’d like to add to our list? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
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Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on May 4, 2017, and has been updated for accuracy and relevancy.
This signs are starting to fit my marriage. My marriage is in need of serious prayer.
This is my marriage as well. I’m willing but he is not. It takes two to try so I guess since I’m the only one it’s time for me to let it go. This is a work for the Holy Spirit!