Pay all of her bills. Give him a baby. Put a ring on it. What do all of these things have in common? They are among the popular ways that people try to fix a relationship—even when it’s obvious that it should end, or should never have begun. Another thing such relationship fixes have in common—they rarely, if ever, work. While such tactics might provide a temporary fix (for a night, a few months, even years) and perhaps a false sense of security, they cannot transform unhealthy relationships into healthy ones. To avoid foolery, and the damage that comes with it, face the facts about these so-called relationship fixes.
1. Better Sex
While both men and women fall prey to the false belief that more, better or a different variety of sex will fix a broken relationship, women tend to be more vulnerable to this myth, especially when they are desperate to win a man back, or to stop him from straying. Of course, it’s usually men who are most motivated to promote this myth, especially if they are penis-led. To paraphrase Zara’s father, Sam Green Sr., there’s only one winner when you “[try to out-sex] your rivals—him—and no man is worth the price you’ll have to pay to compete.” Men do not go unscathed by this truth. Nothing cuts to the heart of the male ego more than learning that his sexual prowess, attentiveness and even fidelity is not enough to keep a woman from straying.
If a relationship is a healthy one, it will both enhance, and be enhanced by sexual intimacy. However, if the relationship is unhealthy, sex will not fix it—no matter what acts you are willing to perform, or how often. Freaky will never inspire fidelity in someone who is not committed to it and to you. Sex can spark the fires of passion, but it can’t sustain the flame of devotion. Believe otherwise, and all you will get is screwed.
To read the other three things check out the full article by Zara Green and Alfred Edmond, Jr.: 4 Popular Relationship Fixes That Never Work, then come back and tell us what you think.
MyTwoCents says
I agree with the article. The sad truth is that many people have no idea of how to have healthy, sustainable relationship; largely because they’ve never seen one. They use these 4 methods to essentially tie someone to them who possibly doesn’t need to be with them in the first place. I think more people should first ask themselves what kind of mate the person they want to be with needs and then focus on those qualities.