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Appreciate The Role Your Partner Plays In Your Life

Like many (most?) working moms, there have been a couple times in our marriage where I felt like my husband wasn’t pulling his weight and it was taking a toll on our relationship. My husband had unfortunately reached the point where he stopped listening, because night after night it was the same conversation about what he didn’t do, as opposed to all the ways he contributed around the house.

During one particularly difficult conversation, my husband threw his hands up. “Doesn’t matter what I say,” he said, tired. “No matter what I do, it’s not good enough.” That was a turning point for me, because I didn’t want my husband to feel like I was Queen She-can’t-be-pleased.

So I had to take an honest look at our relationship and all the ways my husband comes through for me, on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. In only five minutes of brainstorming, I figured out that my husband serves as:

Think about all the roles that your partner serves in your life. Do they cook? Bathe the kids? Research big money decisions? Chances are, there are tons of ways (large or small) that they make your life better. It’s up to us to keep that running list and show appreciation when we can.
BMWK, what’s one role your spouse takes on that you take for granted? How can you change that, starting today?  
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