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Are you Still Waiting to Exhale?


Photo Credit: Iofoto

by Shannon Y. Tanner

The movie was written over 15 years ago and yet, so many of us are still “Waiting to Exhale!”

A lesson in love and trust.

A couple years ago, I fell in love with a beautiful sun dress in the window of an upscale boutique in Beverly Hills. I would drive by often and just stare in the window at my fantasy dress. My husband knew I wanted the dress. He even encouraged me to go inside and try it on, but I just wanted to dream. Fast forward two months. It’s a Saturday afternoon when my husband informed me that he has arranged our entire date night. He says he is taking me “somewhere special” and it is a “surprise!” That evening, he gives me a beautifully wrapped red box. I open the box to discover my fantasy dress from the boutique window! I SCREAMED! I almost cried! But this date night was the beginning of a much deeper spiritual lesson.

My Invitation to exhale.

On the ride through downtown Los Angeles, I was both nervous and excited. I kept saying to my husband Bryan: “Baby, where are we going?” Bryan knows me very well. I was used to feeling some form of “control;” I feared uncertainty. He lovingly smiled and said to me with a sexy, masculine confidence: “Baby, don’t worry, I got you!” In that moment, something shifted in my heart. I heard the loving whisper of spiritual truth through the words of my man. Those few simple words ““ “Baby, don’t worry, I got you!” ““ were a divine invitation from God to EXHALE.

Releasing fear and receiving love.

Our wonderful date night, which included my new dress, a fabulous dinner and tickets to the SEAL concert (I am a HUGE Seal fan) was simply symbolic of God’s goodness towards me. It was time to let go of my need to handle, arrange and manage everything through my own lack of trust and pride. The enemy’s greatest ploy is to convince us as women that we are unlovable, not enough, not worthy. When we stress, strive, toil, and worry our fear-based actions validate the lies. The truth is we are adorable. We are precious. We are enough. Even when people fail us, God’s love never will. He whispers to His women daily, “Baby, don’t worry, I got you!” Now, exhale.

A woman’s heart.

One of a woman’s greatest needs is to feel safe. When she knows she is cherished, provided for, honored and loved, she is prettier, more peace filled, bold and productive. God lovingly whispers to our hearts daily, those powerful, soul changing words, “Baby, don’t worry, I got you!” Now, it’s up to you. Will you receive the gift of rest and surrender in your heart? Will you chose to receive the peace and abundance that is already seeking you? Take a deep breath in, hold it, now EXHALE!

BMWK – Are you  waiting to Exhale?  Do you ever have issues with letting go…married or single… God’s got your back!

Shannon Y. Tanner is founding partner of Inspired TRUTH TV; one of the fastest growing relationship/new media sites on the internet, functioning in part as a personal blog; and as a platform for some of the most respected thought leaders in the area of relationships, personal healing and intentional living. As a wife of 14 years, mother of three sons, mentor and mentee, Shannon’s teaching style is rooted in her personal journey towards healing & wholeness, and passionate to help people flourish in life and flourish in love.  You can follow Shannon on  facebook  or twitter.  
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