This week on Being Mary Jane, Mary Jane’s one-night stand turned sex partner, Lee, initiated a game with Mary Jane called: Let’s Get Naked- focused on emotional transparency.
In an effort to get to know each other better, Lee moved their interactions out of the bedroom so that he can spend quality time talking to Mary Jane (with clothes on.) Initially, they shared general information with each other. And in spite of Lee’s honesty and transparency, Mary Jane allowed her shallow nature to take center stage.
Mary Jane allowed her shallow nature to take center stage.
However, towards the end of the show, Lee triggered Mary Jane to examine her actions and face her fears of pursuing real love, forcing her to become emotionally naked in front of others; but especially with herself.
I wonder how many people are like Mary Jane Paul. By their confession, they want an authentic, loving relationship. But by their actions, they sabotage the relationship for a number of reasons – -the main one being fear. So, instead of becoming vulnerable, like Mary Jane, they pursue right now relational interactions with others, causing them to feel invisible since their emotional needs aren’t being met.
Don’t sell yourself or your heart short by settling for the wrong person.
If you are guilty of making these types of decisions, choose to join Mary Jane and become emotionally naked with yourself. Begin by conducting a self-check regarding your relational choices. Ask yourself some hard questions such as:
Why have you allowed current (former) individuals in your life?
Are you in your current relationship out of loneliness?
Why are you spending quality relationship time with a certain person?
Is it because you are choosing to settle or because you see the growth potential?
Your answers will help you determine your next steps. Don’t sell yourself or your heart short by settling for the wrong person. If you are in the relationship for the right reasons, pursue it. However, if you realize this isn’t the person you truly desire, be fair to both of you and end it.
Decide from this moment forward that you deserve the best, and act accordingly by choosing to wait for quality and not thirstily running after quantity in your relationships.
It appears that Mary Jane may finally be on the right path. She has met someone who is honest, emotionally available and causes her to face her issues. And instead of running away, she is choosing to give authenticity a try. Why don’t you do the same?
BMWK – what did you think of this week’s episode?